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我在美国做中医 第一篇 一分钟减轻三叉神经痛

来源:本站 发布时间:2023-12-07 04:31:19 分享到微信




   D女士尽量保持她优雅的微笑,她说:“我经历了一年半的痛苦,寻求了许多的帮助,我吃了很多西药......这些西药不但对我没有帮助,而且还对我的身体有很多副作用,问题是,我还越来越严重!...... 我于是停掉了所有的西药,包括所有的止痛药,......我查了很多资料,我发现针灸可以帮忙我的情况......我不需要你对治疗结果的任何承诺,我就是愿意来尝试。”



        以上四个穴位,均用1寸针浅刺直刺。依次进针后,让患者活动左侧面部,患者随即感觉疼痛减轻。其实我运用的是中医的动气疗法--远端取穴,配合疼痛部位的活动,从而达到医治的作用。所以我鼓励D女士,尽可能的做各种诱发疼痛的动作。她于是很配合我的治疗,并且面露惊喜和诧异!她说“不痛了,真的不痛了!之前是7-8级的疼痛(0-10)!.....现在2-3级.....现在好像没有什么感觉了!太不可思议了!发生了什么?!”  她不解的看一看双脚和右手上的四根小小的针灸针,又是摇头,又是惊叹。 



     三叉神经痛,目前的药物治疗多为卡马西平(carbamazepine),苯妥英钠(sodium phenytoin)或者类似的药物。其目的主要是控制疼痛,很多患者终身服药。这两类药物的副作用大,长期服用后又会出现耐药性,药量也可能会逐渐加大,经常会导致患者吃的药越来越多,疼痛却越来越重。严重的患者也考虑手术治疗。由于西药的副作用,手术的风险性,中医针灸的治疗成为了许多患者的选择。










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       作者: 贺英华中医博士,整理此病例( 病历号20230397)于2023年11月29日



My Story at a Chinese Medicine Clinic in the United States

    Article 1  Relieve Trigeminal Neuralgia in ne Minute

 "Neuropathic pain on the left side of my face. Eating, brushing my teeth, swallowing, laughing and even talking can induce more severe pain! I am in so much pain!"

One day in October 2023, Ms. D. came to the clinic. She is 76 years old and has had neuropathic pain on the left side of her face for a year and a half.

A year and a half ago, at the beginning, the left side of the patient's face sometimes hurt, sometimes not, and the pain came and went. Later, the condition gradually worsened. In the past six months, she began to suffer from persistent pain, and the pain became increasingly severe. Brushing, swallowing, chewing, laughing, and even talking can make the pain worse. When I was conducting consultations with her, Ms.D. was in extreme pain. While she was describing her symptoms, she would experience sudden pain that would stop the ongoing conversation. The entire 30-minute consultation was interrupted countless times by severe pain. Sometimes she couldn't finish a sentence and would suffer from pain 2-3 times. She was extremely impatient and had to be careful about what he said and did not dare to laugh, for fear that a certain movement would make her face more painful. When a more painful moment occurs, she instinctively raises her hand to protect her face, but she only places her empty palm on the painful area and does not dare to massage or touch it with her hand, because any touch may cause more severe pain. Her expression kept switching between smiles, bitter smiles, pain, or ferociousness. It could be seen that she was trying her best to hide the pain, but the pain just couldn't be concealed. She said that it only does not hurt when sleeping, but if she accidentally touches her left cheek, she will wake up from the pain in his sleep.

Ms. D tried her best to keep her elegant smile. She said: "I have experienced pain for a year and a half and tried to find any treatment  that can help me, then I took a lot of western medicine... However, not only did these western medicines not help me, but that had many side effects in my body. And the problem was getting worse!... So I stopped taking all medicines, including all pain pills... Recently, I did a lot of research,  checked a lot of information. I found that acupuncture could help with my situation...I don’t need any promise from you, I’m just willing to give it a try.”

Ms.D. is very sincere and I am of course willing to try my best to treat her.

Based on the patient's symptoms, signs and medical history, I selected the Taichong point on both feet to soothe the liver stress, regulate qi and relieve liver stagnation; I also selected the right Lieque point (wrist) and Dong's strange point Linggu acupoint (at the hand) to channelize the qi and blood of the facial meridians on the left side. The patient's body is weak and her pulse is weak. She also has liver stagnation and anxiety, so I choose these  acupoints for her.

The above four acupoints are all pricked shallowly and straight with 1-inch needles. After inserting the needles in sequence,I asked her to move the left side of her face, and she immediately felt pain relief. In fact, I use Qi-moving therapy of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture skills, selecting distal acupoints and cooperating with the movement of the painful area to achieve the therapeutic effect. So I encouraged Ms. D. to do all kinds of pain-inducing movements as much as possible. She cooperated very well with my treatment and showed a surprised smile! She said, "It doesn't hurt anymore, it really doesn't hurt anymore! It used to be a pain level of 7-8 (0-10)!... Now it's level 2-3... I don't seem to feel anything now! Fantastic!Unbelievable! What happened?!" She looked at the four small acupuncture needles on her feet and right hand in confusion, shaking her head and marveling at the same time. 

What a miracle! Trigeminal neuralgia, known as "The most painful pain in the world!"She has been in pain for a year and a half. Four small needles relieved the pain in less than a minute!

 I was actually shocked by the scene in front of me! In the next step, I selected acupoints on her affected side of the face: Shangguan and Xiaguan acupoints were stabbed straight, and Jiache, Dicang, and Chengjiang acupoints were stabbed with horizontal acupuncture under the skin. This is my usual nerve pain blocking method + horizontal acupuncture to nourish the nerves. After leaving the needles in place for 25 minutes, remove the facial needles (keep the distal needles), observe and evaluate the patient, and instruct her to talk, laugh, and swallow. Although the pain is relieved, grade 2-3 or even grade 4-5 will still occur. A small range of  pain. I then used a hand-held acupuncture method to pick the Ashi point (the painful area) - this is my own acupuncture method: wear sterile gloves on both hands, insert the needle slowly and horizontally, and slowly move out the needle. Hold the needle with my right hand and then take it out, slowly but without stopping - like flowing water slowly. When taking out the needle, use my left hand to assist with gentle pressure where the needle goes. Unite my mind and the pain area to move the needles. After each acupuncture, the patient was asked how she was doing, and she all said that the pain near the acupuncture site disappeared. Then the pain point - another Ashi point was found, and acupuncture was performed again. After three acupunctures, Ms.D. told me that there was no pain in any area of the face. Then all stopped, the distal needle was removed, and the first time treatment ended.

The current drug treatments for trigeminal neuralgia are mostly carbamazepine, sodium phenytoin or similar drugs. The purpose is primarily to control pain, and many patients take medication for life. These two types of drugs have serious side effects, and drug resistance may develop after long-term use. The dosage of the drugs may also gradually increase, often resulting in patients taking more and more drugs, and the pain becomes more and more severe. Surgery may also be considered in severe cases. Due to the side effects of medicine and the risks of surgery, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture have become the treatment of choice for many patients.

Ms. D. said“ Among all the treatments I received, this was the only one treatment that worked! And this treatment experience is also the only exciting one for me!”



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